This tip has been contributed by my friend Pam Narveson. Pam is an avid craftswoman, who also happens to suffer from severe rheumatoid arthritis. Click here to read more about Pam.
Pam writes:
A craft supply I cannot do without is Thread Heaven thread conditioner and protectant. I love it because it actually does what it says it does - it protects your thread, keeping it from fraying and helps prevent those nasty tangles.
It doesn’t melt or stain and it is easy to use. I think it helps me pull the thread through the fabric more easily (much to the relief of my arthritic hands that keep asking why I persist in crafting with them).
Also, it is relatively inexpensive and lasts a long time (as long as you don’t mind scraping off a few cat hairs from time to time).
Here are my tips for using this product:
To keep Thread Heaven handy, I glue a small magnet to the bottom of the container. Then I can stick it to my metal pattern holder for easy access.
I use my 40% off JoAnn or Michaels coupons to purchase Thread Heaven so I feel like I’m getting a bargain. Look for it in the notions section of your favorite craft store.
Caution: Using Thread Heaven does not mean you can cut an extra, extra long piece of floss and still expect your stitches at the end of your thread to look as “fresh” and unworn as the stitches at the start of your thread.
It works great for sewing and beading threads (including Fireline) too. (for example when weaving beaded bracelets etc.)
Using it on those pesky, difficult-to-work-with blending filament and rayon threads helps reduce my cross stitch curse word count!
To learn more about Thread Heaven and how it works Click Here
Please comment on Pam's tips, and add your own Thread Heaven tip if you have one. Also read about Pam and feel free to forward questions to her via a comment or my profile.
Thanks for the tip, Pam! And I can't wait to see some pictures of your finishes! :-)
I'll definitely pick up some Thread Heaven soon. I hate tangly floss. Thanks for the tip.
This is going to help me a lot. I'd never heard of Thread Heaven till recently, and thought it was just an easier way to use something like a sponge. It seems it's much more than that! I'm gonig to be doing a project with a lot of metallics, and I am not going to start till I get this.
Thank you so much for posting, and I look forward to more tips. I have some problems with pain, although not nearly as bad as something like RA, and I really give you credit for continuing to do what you love so much, in spite of the pain. Deb
Thread Heaven is heaven sent! :) I would never have been able to finish "Papal Tribute" (a Dimensions Gold Collection kit) for my mother without it -- the metallic gold threads included in the kit went every which way -- TH was the only thing that tamed them!
I'm glad that TH has also brought you some relief from your pain, Pam. I have some achiness in my right hand (*nothing* like what you are suffering, of course!) that I wear one of those therapeutic gloves for... but I will have to start using the TH to see if it will help ease the ache even more.
With kindest regards,
Thanks for the tip....
Thank you for all your comments! I'm glad you have found the tip useful.
To Vicki K: I am attempting to organize some digital photos to post. Thanks for your interest!
To Teresa: I've seen the "Papal Tribute" kit. It is a huge project! I imagine your mother loves it. How long did it take to finish? I frequently use therapeutic gloves too and have found they can help. I tend to turn mine inside out so the seams aren't pressing into my hands.
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